Craft Cult: crafting for a new generation

Craft Cult is the moniker for a DIY group who likes to share arts,crafts, and skills via an online blog. Initially started as a school craft club, President Hannah Ruth Levi has found the internet to better suit the needs of her group and thus Craft Cult was born. While many such groups are growing in popularity, Craft Cult hopes to appeal to a younger audience.

My main goal with this story was to get across the style and attitude of the group, caught in my interviewee Hannah’s clips. I think the subject is really interesting and I wanted to do it justice in my presentation. That was probably the greatest challenge in the making of this story, trying to get everything I wanted in a mere 2-3 minutes.

I think in my second go at an audio story about Craft Cult I was pretty successful. The first version was too broad and confusing for a 2 minute story, and so I really narrowed in on what I thought made the group news worthy. I also learned how to utilize voice overs to give context quickly and succinctly, and save the interviewee’s clips for those sound bites you just couldn’t say better yourself. I also think I learned a lot about the importance of timing and volume in an audio story to make it sound natural. Smooth transitions are very important to a story that’s enjoyable to listen to. If I was to redo this story again, I would probably try to incorporate even more transitional ambient sounds.

audio story: